Tuesday, March 9, 2010

where life meets beading and beading meets sun

lol - got my March pocket finished and will post soon. Been busy, busy lately so not much time for beading or blogging. Not that you can tell I was actually busy...

spent the day at a friends house 'dog sitting' on the deck - got sun, some wind and watched a goofy movie on Encore on their bigscreen. Didn't manage to get much else done except laundry. Yesterday we did pretty much the same thing and T made supper - bbq chicken with his home-made bbq sauce, salad and baked potatoes. mmmm.... good. enough leftovers for some for supper, yeah!

And I have been working on going through all my craft stuff, even though you can't tell it by looking....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kat,
    You need to do some writing here on your blog.

    Your adopted sister says so!
